
2017 New Year’s Resolutions for Gamers

New Year's Resolutions for Gamers

Every year presents a new opportunity to make up some promises to ensure that your year is going to be better than last year. Usually, they involve expensive gym subscriptions, no candy/sweets/pop/insert food here, and trying to be a better person overall. While these are great in theory, they usually are terrible in practice, especially for gamers. Instead of all the normal boring promises, we’ve created 7 perfect resolutions, just for gamers.

1. Clear Out That Backlog:

Christmas just passed, and we are betting that you just got a bunch of brand new games and accessories for your gaming setup (maybe even from our Holiday Guide). Now is the perfect time to try to get through some of those games you’ve been putting off. So just like your Netflix queue – play them all.

2. Upgrade to 4K Resolution:

Most of you have been gaming on 1080p for a while now, but 4K is here. And it’s awesome! Upgrading to 4K resolution will change your gaming experience, and quite possibly your life. Upgrading your resolution may also mean upgrading your computer, so upgrade at your own will…

3. Attend a Convention or Conference:

In just a few days, CES 2017 begins and we’ve already been talking about how awesome it’s going to be there. Plus, there are still tickets, and January flights are cheap! There are so many gaming conventions and conferences that you can go to, why not make this one of your resolutions? Conventions are a great way to meet new people, try new games, and see the latest tech inventions of the year. It’s a fun way to interact with the gaming world outside of your screen. What a better year to do it than this year?

4. Try Something NEW:

Change can be scary, but sometimes, trying new things leads to new favorites. If you like real-time strategy games, try a first-person shooter game on for size. Or the other way around! Pick a genre that you don’t normally play. Play outside of your comfort zone! This is often how you may get better at gaming. With the foreign experiences, sometimes valuable lessons can be learned by trying new games and strategies within these games. This new knowledge will then be carried with you wherever you go. There’s no harm in trying out something new!

5. Buy That New Gaming PC You’re Still Dreaming About:

It’s a new year. If you didn’t get that perfect PC for Christmas and you’re still drooling over it, then why wait? Now’s the perfect time to get exactly what you want, so your 2017 gaming experience can be that much better. This resolution may even be the easiest one to follow through on too! Gaming PC’s range in all sizes, price, power, and designs, including this AVADirect Avant Mid Size Gaming Desktop. There’s no better time to find your perfect PC than now~

7. Participate in a Gaming Marathon or Competition:

If you aren’t willing (or able) to travel across the country to hang out with a bunch of other gamers, then try a gaming marathon or competition near you! You can even take some friends, which makes the whole experience that much better. Another great advantage of a marathon is that sometimes you can even help a charity in the process, like with the Extra Life Marathon every year. This resolution is two-fold; experience a lot of fun in your local area with some friends and also give back to your community charity. It’s pretty difficult to get much better than that! Not to mention the bragging rights if you beat all of your friends.

There you have it! 7 New Year’s resolutions that are possible, fun, and definitely worth trying. Some of these are easier than others, but the variety is half the fun! Let us know how you’re doing, or what other kinds of resolutions you’ve come up with. Happy Gaming!

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