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Posts by Haley Congrove

About Haley Congrove

I am a millennial and contributing to this tech blog.

E3 2019 E3 2019
Looking forward to E3 2019

E3 is as good as Christmas to gamers. The weeks leading up to the event are full of rumor and speculation – some good some

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avalanche mini liquid cooled gaming pc avalanche mini liquid cooled gaming pc
PC cases – What to Consider

It can be easy to overlook the case when building a custom gaming PC. So much attention is paid to the exciting parts inside that

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Overclocking Overclocking
Overclocking basics

Overclocking can add serious power to your PC – but where to start? What is overclocking? Overclocking is the process of increasing the CPU clock

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Dying Light 2 Dying Light 2
Dying Light 2 confirmed for E3 2019

Techland is ready to show off their long-awaited sequel.  Techland has confirmed through a tweet that they will be featuring Dying Light 2 at E3

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EVGA dual rtx 2080 Ti EVGA dual rtx 2080 Ti
Which graphics card is right for you?

                The graphics of a video game are arguably the most important aspect. Without the images being rendered on screen, video games are only interactive

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