Tech companies across the globe have been branching out, finding new applications for computers outside of the traditional PC world. NVIDIA has started on the autonomous cars and is partnered closely with Tesla to find new innovations for the future. Intel’s also branching out, to the drone industry. Drones are becoming extremely popular as a new radio controlled hobby, or as a new path for logistics. Companies around the world are trying drones and creating new ways that these unmanned aerial vehicles can help, and Intel is just one example. See what they’ve been innovating recently:
Intel put on a special light show using 100 drones, making a world record for the most synchronized drones in the air at one time.
Intel Falcon 8+
This drone is the cutting edge of the professional drone industry. It has AscTec Trinity technology and is considered the most advanced for pro aerial imaging. It also boasts that it is the smallest and lightest flight system for 36 MP images and is resistant to magnetic fields. Now, companies and professionals will be able to get the best quality pictures on the market. The drone is made in Germany and is now available in North American markets through Intel.
The Intel Aero Compute Board
Intel has developed a specially designed computing board for their drones. This UAV developer kit is powered by an Intel Atom processor which is a quad-core chip. This makes the compute board specially designed for UAV developers, researchers and hobbyists. The unique thing about this board is that it is about the size of a playing card, with huge storage capabilities. It comes with the open-source Linux operating system which adds to the value of the board. In addition, the board supports Intel’s new RealSense camera, to help it fly smarter and safer. The board is equipped with one 3.0 USB, 4 GB LPDDR3-1600 memory, a microSD memory card slot. Best of all, it only weighs 30 grams.

Intel Aero Ready-to-Fly Drone
Intel has finally created a drone that is available for consumer purchase, and it is coming out at the end of this year, right in time for the holiday season. This drone is a simple quadcopter with simple parts. What makes it unique is the use of their own Intel Aero compute board with the Linux operating system and processing capabilities. In addition, it also comes with a pre-programmed flight controller with Dronecore PX4 software and support for AirMap, which is a software for airspace services. Customers have the option of an additional enclosure kit for the board, or the vision accessory kit that includes the RealSense camera. No prices have been stated for this drone, but we are eagerly awaiting news on its release.

Intel RealSense
We’ve already mentioned that Intel’s drone has this RealSense camera capability, but this innovation is applicable to more than just drones. The RealSense is a camera that is basically three in one. The device is able to “see” just like the human eye, sensing depth and tracking human motion. Now, you can interact with your digital world in a brand new way. RealSense gives you the ability to scan objects that are in your world and place them into the digital world. You can capture anything, including your pets! RealSense is also being used to redesign home interiors, and placing yourself into 3D to share on social media or on a 3D printer. This technology is the next step in converging the real world and the digital one. On top of the RealSense camera, Intel has developed software and applications to accompany it. Utilizing all of these new inventions Intel has been able to push the drone industry and the virtual reality forward into new, unbounded depths.

Intel has been at the top of the computer industry for quite a while now, but now with the RealSense technology and their drones, they are pushing the industries forward quickly. What do you think they will do next? Get involved on Facebook and Twitter to see what else is new in the industry and with AVADirect Custom Computers.
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